Potentially Toxic Foods For Dogs

1. Onions, particularly raw onions
2. Grapes and Raisins
3. Chocolate, particularly dark baker's chocolate
4. Coffee, sodas, teas and other caffeinated beverages
5. Garlic - in large doses
6. The seeds and pits of fruits
7. Green and/or sprouted potatoes
8. Rhubarb leaves
9. Broccoli - in large quantities
10. Macadamia nuts
11. Green tomatoes, leaves and stems
12. Uncooked yeast dough
13. Alcohol
14. Moldy food including blue cheeses
15. Raw or undercooked eggs
16. Raw or undercooked fish
17. Raw or undercooked chicken
18. Raw or undercooked hamburger
18. Heavy spices, salts and peppers
19. Mushrooms
20. Foods with Xylitol, a sweetener

21. Avocados - possibly caused by an allergic reaction in some dogs
22. Milk and dairy products for lactose-intolerant dogs
23. Spoiled foods
24. Liver - in large quantities
