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---"I want to add my praise for WiggleLegs Frog toy.  My cat loves to play with WiggleLegs No other toy will do.  When I ask her to find WiggleLegs she goes right to it!  I just ordered 3 more as I'm afraid you will stop making them and then I don't know what we will do!"

---"Once again, you have provided excellent service with an excellent product. Thanks for the extra - it was a hit! My cats are totally addicted to the WiggleLegs Frog, so please keep plenty in stock!"

---"I just wanted to let you know that my cat, Molly, is absolutely addicted to your FlyToys. I literally have to hide them from her so she will go to sleep at night, but as soon as morning arrives she is sitting right in front of their hiding place waiting for them to come out and play."

Each MetPet FlyToy is handmade by skilled artisans with great attention to detail.  They come in the form of bugs, amphibians, mammals and more in three very reasonable price points.

---"I can't believe how your company understands cats so well"

Calling your cat

The first word to learn in cat speak Staff Writer

Have you tried to get your cat's attention when it's not dinner time?  Try this little trick.  Try calling her in her language. 

A cat's normal call sounds like a single syllable. Much more like the "ma" in map than "meow."   Just let your chin drop and your mouth open while you say "ma."   Then try letting the sound come up from your diaphragm rather than your mouth.  You can both see and feel that muscular structure (six pack or no, you really do have muscle down there) underneath your breast bone get sucked in to make the sound. 

Try various inflections and strengths until she responds with a single "ma" of her own.  Repeat, letting her respond back each time.  Mother cats do this to encourage her kittens to follow her.  As long as they hear her calm voice, they know it's safe to venture after her. 

Try meowing at your cat when he's scared or nervous.  This is a useful technique if you're traveling or going to the vets.  It's also a convenient way to find your cat if he's hiding or has gone missing.  You'll probably have to wait until it's quiet because most cats have a tiny voice (except when they're screaming).  Passersby may give you strange looks but any cat within earshot will understand. 

Once you get the hang of it, try it on other cats.  You may be surprised how quickly you've picked up interspecies communication.

One interesting activity at the offices is the use of the "ma" sound for new kittens.  If one of them gets lost, as they invariably do, the entire office gets quiet.  One person calls out the "ma" sound repeatedly until we hear the responding "ma" from the kitten. 

We keep repeating this, waiting each time until we hear the responding call from the kitten.  It's like hitting a ping pong back and forth or playing Marco Polo.  Each time the kitten responds, we can more clearly pinpoint his location until we finally figure out that he's behind a cabinet or stuck inside a box.

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