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Articles About Dogs

---"I want to add my praise for WiggleLegs Frog toy.  My cat loves to play with WiggleLegs No other toy will do.  When I ask her to find WiggleLegs she goes right to it!  I just ordered 3 more as I'm afraid you will stop making them and then I don't know what we will do!"

---"Once again, you have provided excellent service with an excellent product. Thanks for the extra - it was a hit! My cats are totally addicted to the WiggleLegs Frog, so please keep plenty in stock!"

---"I just wanted to let you know that my cat, Molly, is absolutely addicted to your FlyToys. I literally have to hide them from her so she will go to sleep at night, but as soon as morning arrives she is sitting right in front of their hiding place waiting for them to come out and play."

Each MetPet FlyToy is handmade by skilled artisans with great attention to detail.  They come in the form of bugs, amphibians, mammals and more in three very reasonable price points.

---"I can't believe how your company understands cats so well"

Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD)

You may not even be able to see the flea Staff Writer

Flea Allergy Dermatitis is the number one cause of continuing skin problems in dogs in the USA.  It also occurs in cats but does not appear as widespread or as common.  Fleas hop onto their hosts and pierce the skin to ingest a blood meal.   Flea saliva contains enzymes and histamine-like substances which cause allergic reactions.  These allergens circulate through the blood where antibodies develop in response. 

Symptoms of FAD in dogs include excessive itching and discomfort.  Commonly affected areas include the rump around the tail, down the thighs and on the stomach.  Other areas such as the ears and neck can also be affected. 

As dogs scratch, they create additional problems and "hot spots" can develop.  The flea may bite in one area but the irritation can occur anywhere.   Hot spots are moist, scab-covered, often bloody and irritated areas where dogs have scratched or bitten themselves excessively because of the irritation.  If not treated, this could lead to permanent hair loss and other dermatological problems and infections.   Dogs that have been exposed to many flea bites appear to develop a resistance.  They may not develop any symptoms or have very mild ones.

Cats can develop FAD in the face, neck and along their backs.  They also experience itching and irritation possibly leading to hair loss and crusty scabs. 

It can be very difficult to pinpoint FAD as the cause of your pet's skin problems.  Even though a skin (intradermal) test can indicate the presence of the allergens, there is not positive way to exclude other causes of dermatalogical disease.  There are other allergens and disorders that can cause skin problems.   However, it is important to remove as many fleas as possible from both your pet and his environment.

Related information:
Fleas: an Introduction
Fleas: Advanced Control
Allergies in Dogs


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