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Articles About Dogs

---"I want to add my praise for WiggleLegs Frog toy.  My cat loves to play with WiggleLegs No other toy will do.  When I ask her to find WiggleLegs she goes right to it!  I just ordered 3 more as I'm afraid you will stop making them and then I don't know what we will do!"

---"Once again, you have provided excellent service with an excellent product. Thanks for the extra - it was a hit! My cats are totally addicted to the WiggleLegs Frog, so please keep plenty in stock!"

---"I just wanted to let you know that my cat, Molly, is absolutely addicted to your FlyToys. I literally have to hide them from her so she will go to sleep at night, but as soon as morning arrives she is sitting right in front of their hiding place waiting for them to come out and play."

Each MetPet FlyToy is handmade by skilled artisans with great attention to detail.  They come in the form of bugs, amphibians, mammals and more in three very reasonable price points.

---"I can't believe how your company understands cats so well"

Household Tips for Cats

A running list of ideas for the cat filled home Staff Writer

Scratching posts in plain sight

One reason cats scratch couches, chairs, etc. is their central location.  (They're also very sturdy, just the right height and material and genuinely fun to shred.)  The trick is to put a real scratching post(s) in a central location. Scratching pulls the old sheaths off claws but it also deposits visual and scent markings for other cats to see.  If your beautiful, expensive post is not being used try moving it to another location before giving up on it!   

Scratching posts as big play toys

OK, you've spent a King's ransom on that elegant, fluffy new scratching post and your cat ignores it completely.  Although you know it's for him, he probably thinks it's another decorative item with a strange new smell.  Try playing with him around the post with his favorite interactive toy.  As he tries to catch the toy, he'll sink his claws into the post.  He'll get the idea pretty quickly!

More anti-spraying solutions

We've just been sent a new idea in the continuing battle against @#$!$%!@!! This is otherwise known as spraying in places that are not litter boxes.  Clean the area thoroughly using vinegar (the plain, clear stuff not the ones with lots of herbs!) or try using vodka.  What you want to avoid is using any house cleaner with ammonia since it mimics urine and may encourage further use of the area.  

More anti-spraying solutions

Another good anti-spraying tip.  Try placing a container (say a heavy plate) in the desired location with some chlorine-based household cleaner.  Again, you want to avoid ammonia since that may simply ENCOURAGE spraying.  What you are looking for is something seriously pungent that will drive your cat away from that area and back to the litterbox.

Tape saves furniture and drapes from claws

Is your cat scratching your expensive custom drapes?  Is she shredding your elegant wing chair?  Try applying a few strips of double-sided tape to the drapes or furniture.  

Cats hate the feel of sticky tape on their paws.  Check first to make sure the tape will not damage the fabric by applying it to an inconspicuous area.  Apply it in long strips firmly to the fabric.  Make sure she can't get it off and drag it around the house.  Reapply as necessary to break her of the habit. 

Butter hairball remedy

Here's an old-fashioned remedy for your cat's hairballs, butter!  A dime-sized dab every few days can help the hairballs ease through in the right direction!  You can dab a bit of softened butter onto  your cat's paw.  He'll lick it off and it will lubricate those clumps of hair. 

Perfume to prevent scratching

This is an interesting idea from one of our visitors.  She suggests spraying perfume on furniture that your cat is scratching.  Cats dislike the strong smell.  Remember to always try a bit on an inconspicuous area.  Perfume can contain oils that could stain.  The scent will linger so make sure it's one that you want to stick with until your cat changes her habits!


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